Painting A Day 

A proviso should be added to this title, I am not painting one of these little studies each and every day, I am however, painting them when the mood strikes me and then completing one during a day. 




Thursday March. 11 2010

"Mallard Duck"

8 x 10 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

The iridescent green feathers upon the male mallard ducks head caught my eye one day while upon my walk down by the creek where I live . . . a good subject for a study I thought, and a nice little painting to add to the roster here.           

posted by Robert at  7:00 pm





Tuesday March. 9, 2010

"Tomato # 1"  

5 x 6 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

 This little study was done from direct observation. Tomato, a pleasure to paint, and of course even better to eat.          

posted by Robert at  8:00 pm

Artists Collection






Thursday Feb. 25, 2010

"Over Ripe Onion"

5 x 6 inches oil on Linen canvas mounted to hardboard

This little gem came out of my cold cellar. To ripe for cooking it served well as a model for this small study.       

posted by Robert at  10:15 pm

Artists Collection




Wednesday Feb. 24, 2010

"Blair Dam"

10 x 12 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

I came across the ruin of this centuries old sluice last year in the town of Blair.        

posted by Robert at  10:15 pm







Thursday July 17, 2008

"Herbs & Red Pepper"

5.5 x 6 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

I set this red pepper up in our kitchen along with some freshly picked dill and parsley.      

posted by Robert at  6:00 pm





Monday October 7, 2007

"Egg Plant"

5.5 x 6 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Smooth textured and dark the Egg Plant at first seems like an unlikely candidate for an interesting painting. However, the reflective light upon its roundish form soon changes that perception.     

posted by Robert at  12:00 pm





Friday October 5, 2007

"Dutch Apple Pie"

6 x 8 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

My favorite apple pie easy to eat but tough to get right in a painting.   

posted by Robert at  7:00 pm

Artists Collection







Thursday October 4, 2007

 "Fruit Cup"

6 x 5.5 inches oil on canvas  mounted to hardboard

This morning I was at a bakery, picked up a Pumpkin pie, Dutch apple pie and this little Fruit cup.  Thought I'd try my hand at painting it before serving it up as a snack.   

posted by Robert at  10:15 pm






Wednesday October 3, 2007


6 x 5 inches oil on canvas mounted to 


A friend brought this chestnut to my studio a few weeks ago and as I watched it turn from green to brown it eventually split open and revealed its content. That is when I thought it might make and interesting painting. 

posted by Robert at  11:00 pm





 Tuesday October 2, 2007

 "Autumn Texture"

8 x 10 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard


I painted this scene beside the Grand River . . . and I was not alone. A small herd of cattle had pressed in along the fence behind me; they watched intently for a time and then moved off for greener pastures. 



posted by Robert at  11:00 pm







Friday September 28, 2007

"Yellow Rose"  

6 x 8 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

As I observed this rose it appeared to be glowing in the morning sun  I set up my easel and began to paint the quickly changing light.  Back in my studio I put the final touches on this painting of a yellow rose.  

posted by Robert at  10:00 pm








Monday August 28, 2007

"White Rooster"

6 x 5.5 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Painting this domestic and somewhat ordinary bird was  a challenge for I wished to explore an aspect of it that is anything but ordinary.  If we think of this bird at all  it most likely would be as food.  In this portrait I wished to remove that preconceived idea from my mind and look for a creature with it's own sense of presence perhaps even pride. You decide if I managed to achieve that sense in this painting.  

posted by Robert at  4.30 pm







Monday August 20, 2007

"Gladiolus Display"

10 x 12 inches oil on canvas 

mounted to hardboard


Painted on the spot, which in this case meant setting up my French easel in the kitchen so that I could observe and paint these Gladiolus displayed in the Family Room.

posted by Robert at  5.00 pm









Friday August 17, 2007

"Crow Feather"

16 x 12 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

This painting came about because I picked up a crow feather while on my walk about. I set the feather up under the lights in my studio and took a moment to decide how I would deal with this subject. 

posted by Robert at  9:15 pm







Friday August 17, 2007

"Early Evening Moon"

5.5 x 6 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Stepping  outside of my home I looked up to see this scene.  The sun was setting and twilight was fast approaching.     

posted by Robert at  9:15 pm







Tuesday August 14, 2007

"Conestoga River Moonrise"

24 x 18 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

A year ago I stood on the edge of a dock watching the sun go down and the moon rise above the still waters of the Conestoga River.  The camera I had with me just could not do justice to the scene I saw unfold before me so I consigned a great deal of it to my memory.  The photographs that I did have served to jar that memory and I was able to capture some of the magic of that natural event.

posted by Robert at  10:00 pm






Monday August 13, 2007

"Flower Pot on a Stump"

16 x 20 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard


A studio painting, which in this case  means I used photographic references. The idea was to work with larger brushes and quickly catch my vision of this thing. 



posted by Robert at  7.00 pm













Wednesday August 8, 2007


5.5 x 6 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

A strange looking but colourful bird. This of course was not painted form life, but rather from a number of references photographic and a small figurine which I placed under the lights in my studio for inspiration.  My idea was to blend a cross between a Motif and real aspects of the Rooster. 

posted by Robert at  9:30 pm






Monday July 30, 2007

"Fountain Spout"

5.5 x 6 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

While visiting the city of Montreal last week I saw this water sprite, it was of course part of a larger sculpture dedicated to the founder of the city.   

posted by Robert at  5:30 pm






Wednesday July 4, 2007

"Oval Window"

6 x 8 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Out on my "Walk About" I spied this scene and was instantly struck by the orange brick and the strange shape of yonder window.  The Morning Dove was added into the scene even though it was not there at the time, there were however many of them about and so I choose to bring a representative of that fair species into the picture. 

posted by Robert at  5:30 pm







Monday July 2, 2007

"Old Fir Tree"

6 x 8 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Out on my "Walk About" I pass by this very large and very old Fir Tree, its boughs spread out very wide and as I walk under them it is like being under a vast umbrella. The bark of the tree casts back a multiple of colours, red, pink, green, brown, purple . . . a delight to the eye.  

posted by Robert at  7:15 pm








Wednesday June 27, 2007

"Flower Chair"

5.5 x 6 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

As I go about my daily walks, "Walk About" I look and see things that impinge upon me an idea for a painting. This chair with it's basket of flowers is one such  example.

posted by Robert at  2:00 pm








Thursday June 21, 2007


5.5 x 6 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Chess is of course a head game, not much action physically except of course for the movement of the various pieces.  Still and all pretty sedate, so I wanted to convey a mood of action . . . the background becomes that action as it infers a kind of "after the smoke had cleared" the winner stood victorious.     

posted by Robert at  7:00 pm







Tuesday June 12, 2007

"Fuchsia Dancers"

5.5 x 6 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Outside with the bugs and the heat I painted these two open and very colourful "Tennessee Waltz" Fuchsia flowers.  They actually do look like dancers what with their skirt like peddles . . . strange but beautiful to be sure.     

posted by Robert at  3:00 pm







Monday June 11, 2007

"Before the Waltz"

5.5 x 6 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Setting up my French Easel Box out in the Garden  I painted these "Tennessee Waltz" Fuchsia buds just before they opened. Tomorrow I will paint an open example of this flower.   

posted by Robert at  6.40 pm







6/ 1 / 2007

"Morning Rose" 6 x 9 inches oil on canvas 

mounted to hardboard


Setting up my French Easel Box in the Kitchen I painted one of the twelve roses in a vase on the table. 



posted by Robert at  2.00 pm







5/ 30 / 2007

"Studio Leaf Study"  

5 x 6 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Yesterdays walk yielded this strange (but beautiful) looking leaf.  At present I have no idea what kind of tree it came from. Taped onto the mast of my studio easel I was able to observe and admire it still further.

posted by Robert at  3.00 pm







5/ 30 / 2007


5.5 x 6 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

A pleasant little foray into the vegetable kingdom takes me to an interesting study of the shapes and patterns of an Artichoke.  

posted by Robert at  9:20 am





5/ 28 / 2007

"Egyptian King"  

5.5 x 6 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

I made this sculpture as a study for a portrait I wish to do of an Egyptian Pharaoh. It was the Nemes or head dress Crown of the King that I really wanted to study.  The Nemes is a complicated headdress usually depicted in old Hollywood movies as nothing more than a fancy towel on the kings head.  I assure you it was much more then that. In the sculpture and in this painting I explored just how complicated it was. 

posted by Robert at  4:15 pm





5/ 28 / 2007

"Neon In Water"

6 x 8 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Lucky for me I had five or six of these fish in my aquarium, the little devils never remained still for a moment. I had to employ some quick observations with a dash of memory to get this image painted. Fortunately having more than one fish meant that at any given time I was sure to observe one of them approximately in the pose I was after.  Such is life when you paint from life.

Posted by Robert at  7:07 am





5/ 25 / 2007

"Garden Flower #1"

5 x 6 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

I'm a painter with a few hobbies, gardening is one of them.  Last weekend I planted some flowers and as I did so I kept thinking, that one will make a nice painting . . . that one to.  So I took some pictures with my camera and noticed that the colours where all off.  It would seem the camera just can't get reds, and purples as vibrant as the real thing so I plucked a specimen and brought it into my studio.

Posted by Robert at  5:18 pm







5/ 23 / 2007

"Mirror & Flowers"  

6 x 8 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Painting on the spot and what a spot it was, the powder room (nicely decorated by my wife) served up some challenges for me not the least of which was a Closter phobic feeling I was getting what with my easel blocking the only entrance out of there.  This painting falls into my loose more impressionistic way of painting, usually reserved for Plein Air painting. 

Posted by Robert at  6:15 pm





5/ 21 / 2007

"Evening Wine"

6 x 9 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Setting up my French Easel Box in the Dinning Room was a little tight, but what a joy it was to view this scene directly from life and paint it. Now I did have to make some changes, the literal placement of the objects before me did not lend themselves to a proper balance within the picture plane of this 6 x 9 inch format.  The green marble was a chance addition to this painting and what a nice serendipitous touch it brought to the whole. 

Posted by Robert at  7:07 pm






5 / 16 / 2007

"Green Marble"  

6 x 5 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

This marble appears in another small painting of mine "Evening Wine" not yet posted for sale.  I liked it so much that I decided to paint it all alone.

Posted by Robert at  5:19 pm






5 / 16 / 2007

"Pharaoh Cobra"  

6 x 8 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

I painted this from a clay model of an Egyptian Uraeus; better know as the royal cobra that adorned the head of the Pharaohs crown. I created the sculpture a few months ago for another project, it sat in my studio in a prominent position and of course I thought it would make an interesting painting all on its own, I hope you agree.

Posted by Robert at  4:46 pm






5 / 14 / 2007


6 x 8 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Out on my daily walk I came across the dried remains of last years bulrushes and teasels that grow along the creek.  I have always found the teasel to be an interesting plant and had decided that one day I would do a nice little painting of it.  Well I took a sample as I walked along and back in my studio placed it under the lights.  It was a very interesting study and a joy to paint this rather ordinary plant; I hope you will agree that it looks anything but ordinary in this painting.

Posted by Robert at  6:52 pm






5 / 12 / 2007

"Candle Light"

6 x 8 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Painting this from life was a tad challenging, the ambient light in my studio was turned way down. Nevertheless I managed to see my palette and canvas well enough to paint this quiet and somewhat mysterious scene.        

Posted by Robert at  10:53 pm







5 / 9 / 2007

"Picked along the Path"  

6 x 8 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Painted from life. Leaving the easel for my morning walk  I saw these (and many other) flowers along the path.   Of course the familiar Dandelion grows gloriously and abundantly at this time of the year and so I plucked one particularly robust specimen for a possible painting.  Then I came upon the Grape Hyacinths growing wild along the way, an idea for a painting soon followed.   

Posted by Robert at  10:00 pm






5 / 9 / 2007


6 x 8 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Painted from life. As I continue to explore  ordinary subjects around me, I am reminded that nothing is ordinary or humdrum when lighting, imagination, and focused observation are allied. 

Posted by Robert at  10:00 am






5 / 1 / 2007

"Brass Tea Pot"

5 x 6 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Painted from life. I enjoyed the goal set before me which was to capture the texture, reflective light and of course the dynamic colours of this little tea pot. 

Posted by Robert at  11:16 am







5 / 1 / 2007

"Sweet Onion"

5.5 x 6 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Painted from life. There is nothing like the sliced rings of a sweet onion upon ones hamburger and that became the fate of this onion after it sat so still and quite for this pose. 

Posted by Robert at  10:40 am






4 / 24 / 2007


6 x 8 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard

Painted from life It was my desire to take an ordinary object and turn it's likeness into something more than ordinary. 

Posted by Robert at  3:29 pm







4 / 24 / 2007 


6 x 8 inches oil on canvas mounted to hardboard 

Painted from life I had the pleasure of drinking to my health after I was done. This little PAD was great fun and my first one to start the adventure into eBay.  

Posted by Robert at  2:41 pm


